Helping you renew your mind so that you can become who you are meant to be.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do you accept insurance?
JRS is currently considered an out-of-network provider. A superbill can be provided to you for your insurance company to reimburse you for therapeutic services that you’ve paid for.
What is your availability?
JRS schedules clients 6 days a week, Monday-Saturday. Less traditional session times are also available, including early morning and late evening, subject to availability.
How long and how often are therapy sessions held?
Sessions may last 45-50 minutes and can occur up to 4 times a week, depending on your personal needs.
How much do your sessions cost?
You can find pricing for therapy services on the Services Offered page. JRS Counseling may also offer scaled pricing, on a case-by-case basis, for a limited number of clients, time/space permitting. Scaled pricing is an adjustment to the price of services offered at a lower rate. Scaled pricing is not guaranteed and may be discontinued at any time. If you are offered a service at a scaled rate, JRS Counseling will notify you of any price change to the current rate of the services you are receiving. Contact us for more information on scaled pricing.
Do you have in-person sessions?
No, not right now. Sessions are held virtually or telephonically.
How do I schedule an appointment?
If you are ready to schedule, you can reach out here, send an email, text message or give us a call. If you are sending an email, texting or calling, please be sure to leave your contact information, such as your:
Phone number and/or email address
The best way and time to reach you.
Within 24 hours We will get in touch with you to discuss next steps! Click here to schedule your free 15-minute consultation
What is psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is performed by a licensed individual who is trained to provide professional treatment and rehabilitation of people.
A psychologist is a licensed professional that can conduct research that will contribute to the profession. A psychologist can function as a therapist.
A psychiatrist is a licensed professional that is a medical practitioner and able to prescribe medication.
Click here to learn more about me and the psychotherapy services provided.
What makes you qualified?
In addition to my licensing credentials, I have an over 15 years of training and experience across various social service practices ranging from case management, investigation, and therapeutic services. I’ve worked with all populations and people, and ages ranging from infants to the elderly. My experience gives me a comprehensive approach to providing therapy services, using a client-centered approach. You can find about more about me here.
What are your credentials?
I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). As an LCSW, I have independently provided clinical services to clients, after completing two years of supervised field experience, working in a partial hospitalization setting for depression recovery and OCD symptoms, as well as family-based therapy. As a LCSW, I am uniquely qualified to help you reach your goals. You can find about more about me here.
Will this work?
YES! What you put in, you will get out. Over time, you will definitely gain a new way of thinking, and change your life. Are you ready? Schedule your free 15-minute consultation.