Helping you renew your mind so that you can become who you are meant to be.

JRS uses clinically proven treatment programs to help you overcome your problems...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
CBT ties in your thoughts, emotions and behaviors. We will work together on changing your behaviors, challenging your thinking and managing your emotions. Learn more about CBT.
CBT is based on several principles, including:
Your mental health may be affected by unhelpful ways of thinking.
Your mental health maybe affected by patterns of unhelpful behavior.
You can learn better ways of coping with your emotions and have a better quality of life.
CBT treatment usually involves changes to your thinking patterns, and your behavioral patterns that will help you use problem-solving skills, face your fears, and other strategies. JRS will work with you to develop a customized CBT treatment plan that will help you work through the difficult time you are facing. Call JRS to schedule your session.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT is a treatment that is effective for treating complex mental health problems. DBT was originally developed to help suicidal women, and treat borderline personality disorder, but is also helpful when dealing with a different kinds of mental health problems. DBT is especially helpful for clients who have difficulty managing their emotions.
DBT focuses on:
Accepting who you are and the challenges you are facing
Learning new skills to help/improve how you manage your emotions.
Changing your behaviors to help solve your problems.
Therapists practicing DBT aim to strike a balance between validation and change by clearly communicating acceptance of who the client is and the challenges the client faces, while at the same time helping the client to learn new skills to improve emotion regulation.
JRS will work with you build acceptance, maintain your relationships with others and tolerate distress. Contact JRS to schedule your session.
Eco-Systemic Structural Family Therapy (ESFT)
ESFT is based on the idea that the way children, parents and marriages work are based on their relationships with one another. There
There are five concepts to understanding your problems:
Family structure. This touches on who holds the power, the chain of the command, and patterns of communication in the family. The therapist looks at the family rules, roles and boundaries that set up the family system and relationships.
Family and individual emotional control. This looks at how a family deals with emotional reactions. It will deal with the unspoken rules about what emotions may be expressed, how intense an emotion may be expressed, and how the other family members may respond to those expressions. By doing this, family members can learn to express and respond to emotions with each other in a positive way.
Individual differences (for example, biological, cultural, developmental). This talks to learning each family members’ emotional styles, strengths, needs, and other characteristics. As a part of the family therapy, it is important to consider individual differences and how they play a part in the family relationship. factors are also important to assess and address in successful family therapy.
Affective proximity (an individual’s emotional connections within the family). This works to figure out the emotional connections that family members have with one another as individuals. Many times, the closeness or distance between family members can affect how families deal with stress.
Family development. This style is used to learn what stage a family is in, to figure out what tasks and responsibilities a family may be facing. For example, a family with preschool children will not have the same experience as a family of retired adults. One family experience or structure is not better than any other one but knowing where the family is in the development stage is helpful to provide therapy.
In ESFT, we will talk about how you are impacted by those things around you, including your family, work, neighborhood. We will work to use the resources around you to strengthen you as the individual. Contact JRS to schedule your session.
Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP)
ERP is a type of behavior therapy for OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), where you may be exposed to situations that cause negative thoughts (obsessions) or behaviors (compulsions), but you stop yourself from focusing or acting on them. For example, a client who is afraid of dirt and germs overly washes his hands through the day. For ERP therapy, the client may touch doorknobs, a dirty floor, or toilet without washing his hands. The client will continue this, until his negative response has stopped, or gotten improved.
Whatever approach is taken, the exposure exercises are performed many times until your emotional responses stop or are less intense. With ERP, we will encourage you to stay in the exposure until your negative thoughts or obsessions decrease.
With ERP, we will challenge the thoughts and ideas that you are worried about. Contact JRS to schedule your session.
Mindfulness involves being aware of your thoughts, feelings, senses, and surroundings to improve your stress level and emotional reactions. Practicing mindfulness helps you gain clarity, calmness and focus without judgement. At JRS we will customize a mindfulness experience that is unique to your personal needs. Contact JRS to schedule your session.